
Superior Blog


Habitat for Humanity Saskatoon – Home Dedication – Ave S South

Habitat for Humanity Home Dedication, 119 Avenue S South, Saskatoon Saskatchewan. James Neufeld General Manager of Superior Cabinets Saskatchewan. Also featured are His Worship Mayor Don Atchison and Rob Norris MLA Saskatoon Greystone. James Neufeld General Manager of Superior Cabinets Saskatchewan presents a P&G cleaning package to a new Habitat for Humanity home owner. November 27th, 2015 marked the home dedication ceremony for four deserving families who received the keys to their new Habitat for Humanity home.  These homes are part of a four-plex project, located on Ave S South in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. In attendance was His Worship Mayor Don Atchison, Rob Norris MLA Saskatoon Greystone, the Habitat for More...
Around Superior Community

Burning Down the Dolls House

Parkland County Fire Department burning a doll house created by Superior Cabinets. Burning Down the Dolls House by Shahan Fancy of Superior Cabinets.   The Superior Cabinets manufacturing team recently helped out the Parkland County Fire Department with the fabrication of a unique dolls house… Yes, doll houses, but these aren’t your typical playtime toys.  These doll houses play a critical role and are used for training purposes.  They are constructed out of MDF and then lit on More...

Habitat for Humanity – Superior Cabinets Build/Volunteer Day Saskatoon

  On Tuesday June 23rd, 2015, Superior Cabinets Saskatoon participated in a build day with Habitat for Humanity Saskatoon. The build was located at 119 Avenue S South in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. The team assisted with a few hands-on tasks in 2 separate units including hanging drywall, painting, and most importantly, teambuilding! Superior Cabinets would like to More...

Habitat for Humanity Sod Turning Ceremony

Habitat for Humanity is beginning the process of providing a new multi-unit home here in Saskatoon and Superior Cabinets was on site to witness the Sod Turning Ceremony. The event was located at the build site in the heart of Saskatoon at 119 Avenue S South on a brisk Friday morning. To kick off the More...

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