
Superior Blog

Around Superior

2019 Lean Assessment

In March of 2019, Superior Cabinets had their annual Lean Assessment, which was conducted by the Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters Saskatchewan. Superior started their Lean Journey in 2015 and achieved their Lean Certified status in February of 2018.   In classic continual improvement style, Superior was able to increase their score to 3.1/5.0, up from 3.0/5.0 More...
Around Superior

A Glimpse into Cabinet Manufacturing

One of Superior’s competitive advantages is our manufacturing team that produces our entire portfolio out of our 55,000 square foot cabinet manufacturing facility in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. To maximize our space we work in a just in time environment and our current production is about 80,000 cabinets a year.  Working with a design and build firm More...

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